Monday, May 4, 2020

EOTO p2- What is going on?

Our world has quickly shifted in a matter of a couple of months. Schools have closed, businesses have shut down, restaurants are taken out only, and humans are seen wearing masks everywhere. This is all due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the whole world. This has been eye opening for me, the whole world in it together all being touched by this disease in one way or another. Our whole normal routines in life are being interrupted in the most crazy way. Something I have noticed is the fact that COVID-19 is the only thing being talked about on the news, everyone is stuck inside with nothing interesting going on. The media and how they deal with the virus is particularly interesting. 

It seems they focus on the bad rather than the good. There is always an updated death toll on the bottom right of the news screen which brings negativity and sadness to all households. While it is important that Americans understand that people are dying and that this disease is dangerous it doesnt need to be broadcasted all day everyday. We have tried a new idea in my family where we encourage each other not to think about COVID-19 or even talk about it. Because in reality it doesn't make the problem better and doesn't make it go away. The government knows the most about it and will release information when they believe it is right. Many people are freaking out because of the fact that most states are issuing a stay at home warning, and some people have even gotten ticketed for being out of the house during quarantine. There is only so long people can stay in quarantine before people start losing jobs and losing money. The stock market is a hot topic with the media and the fact that it gets worse and worse everyday. My worry is that we may not be able to return back to school in the fall because of this virus.

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