Monday, May 4, 2020

Online Classes.. are they worth it?

Classes have all moved to an online format and many students have complained about the fact that they are getting more work than usual. Some teachers have brought lectures to an online format. While some teachers just post assignments for the student to submit. This has led to furious parents asking themselves if they are getting their money's worth for the school their children are receiving. Parents are forgetting that this time is not only hard on students but for the teachers too. This is a transitional period, so most classes had to be turned into the pass fail option. This gives students a break in a way because if they're not pleased with a grade in a particular class they can select it as a pass. 

Online classes can be tough because the communication between the student and the teacher can be confusing and hard to keep up with. Another reason it may be difficult is because some students don't have places to study and may have a lot more distractions and family obligations. There are also some positives to online classes, it can be good practice for the real world and strengthening organizational skills and communications skills. In the real world work still goes on and this is also great because it teaches people to adapt during tough times. Overall I believe the teachers have been super helpful and understanding but I  love learning in the classroom a lot more and being able to talk to the professors face to face.

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