Monday, May 4, 2020

FINAL blog post

Because of technology I am able to still complete online classes and go to school from anywhere in the world. I could watch a class lecture from the bathtub if I wanted to… Just kidding I would never do that. My point is the possibilities are endless. Although there are endless possibilities that means there's room for negative. For example someone can get scammed on technology whether it be through credit cards or false deals, or giving out personal information. Technology has made hackers and the deep dark web where no one has control over it. We don't normally hear about these things but they are very much a part of technology, and anyone of us could get hacked. I love how you talk about the fact that technology comes with the good, bad and the ugly. That is a perfect way to sum it all up. I believe most of the country has a connection and it seems like the older generation knows how to control their technology use to a healthy amount while the younger generation is addicted and unhealthy to technology. I believe this is because the older generation lived in a time when technology wasn't even invented yet, so they appreciate it more and understand how to live without it. I believe children are addicted because it's all they've ever known, also like you said everything is at our fingertips it gives these kids the instant gratification they are craving. 

I believe my relationship is unhealthy at the moment, I tend to spend a lot of time on Netflix watching movies now that we are stuck in quarantine. I would love to start reading more and taking a break from technology. During the school year I decided that I would delete all social media during the week and download it on the weekends. This helps me focus on what's more important in life like school work, and clubs and hanging out with friends. I recently read an interesting article that talks about the fact that they are seeing a trend of social media and technology usage being increased every year. This is due to technological advancements and because the younger generations are even using more technology in school. 

“About 63 percent of K–12 teachers use technology in the classroom daily. A new survey from the University of Phoenix College of Education found that daily classroom tech use is up from 55 percent in 2016.” This is incredible, that's more than half of the schools in the country and it just goes to show how great the technology can really be. 

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