Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Day in the Life: A Look Into Jack

I am so excited to be a part of your class and learn all about how to improve my social media skills. The goal is that by the end of the class, I can feel confident in my social media posting abilities in school as well as the workplace. Personal branding has never been more important. marketing oneself online is easier than ever before. there are so many platforms to display oneself and show passions, opinions, dreams, and skills.

My name is Jack Reilly. This will be my junior year at High Point University. Throughout my time here I have been majoring in Strategic Communications and minoring in sales as well as social media marketing. One of my goals at HPU has been to get involved in as many ways as possible. Currently, I am a student justice, a brother in Sigma Nu, and an SGA senator for a small club. 

Looking ahead I'm not sure what I want to do after college. I have some possibilities such as continuing school or possibly obtaining my MBA. I am also very interested in sales and could potentially start working right after college. Sales interest me because it is all about motivating, and pushing myself, I am the only one in charge of my own success. After taking this class there could be a potential social media job that I may find interesting. Most companies nowadays are finding that promoting on social media is even more effective than running a simple tv add. The world is evolving and we need to be able to adapt. I am so happy to be taking a class as relevant as this. 

Social media has always interested me because of the relationship aspect. Instead of saying goodbye to high school friends our generation can all stay connected, constantly staying in touch with people. While I was younger, Snapchat and Instagram were my main interest but growing up I have now found myself spending more time on LinkedIn and networking apps trying to look for possible interviews. Technology is only going to get better and better, understanding its worth and power is very important in today's world.

For fun, I enjoy spending my time with friends. I also enjoy going golfing, skiing, and spending the summers at the beach on Cape Cod. I live in Boston when I am not at HPU and I am the oldest of 3 children! I also have a golden retriever named Stella who is the nicest dog you will ever meet. 

I am so excited to see what this semester will bring!

#HPU #Golf #Reilly #CapeCod #socialmedia #dogs #networking #socialmedia

Social Media News Assignment #2

This week I researched all about Ios 14, many people love how easy it is to use and how it is very customizable. With more recent news regar...