Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Social Media News Assignment #2

This week I researched all about Ios 14, many people love how easy it is to use and how it is very customizable. With more recent news regarding Apple, the new iPhone 12 series came out. IOS 14 will be available on all of these new devices. This is very exciting stuff!!

 IOS 14:

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

SID store exemplifies steadfast work, determined employees, and headstrong to deliver the ultimate experience.

    Stubborn Interior Designs is a fresh face to the furniture market. My name is Jack and I am the manager of our store located in High Point, North Carolina. Our store displays furniture that can’t be found anywhere else. 

One of our recent customers Jessica outfitted her brand new house with our furniture. She claims “SID was such an easy company to work with them, they came into my house, took measurements and found the perfect furniture that fits with the aesthetic”. Part of our success if given to the fact that we are not happy until our clients and customers are happy. As SID states we put the customer as the number one focus. 

We remain steadfast to our employees, meaning that we offer a lifetime satisfaction guarantee. If something happens to the furniture or you the customer is not happy then the furniture can be swapped free of charge. 

We are determined to produce the highest quality furniture that is not only appealing to the eye but is comfortable and affordable for all Americans. We see too many Americans paying overpriced furniture that doesn’t last and ends up running into problems down the road. We can guarantee that there will be little to no problems with our furniture. 

Our leadership team at SID remains headstrong during these tough COVID-19 times. We have developed an Instagram page during quarantine so that we can comment, share, and like with our customers. It is also a great way to keep the customers up to date about when our stores are going to be open again and whenever we design new models of furniture and home goods. 

For a discount on our products, you can access our coupon on our Instagram page @SIDesigns. We encourage you to scroll through our page and look at all the houses we are featured in. SID is rated the top 10 in North Carolina for interior design. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

A Day in the Life: A Look Into Jack

I am so excited to be a part of your class and learn all about how to improve my social media skills. The goal is that by the end of the class, I can feel confident in my social media posting abilities in school as well as the workplace. Personal branding has never been more important. marketing oneself online is easier than ever before. there are so many platforms to display oneself and show passions, opinions, dreams, and skills.

My name is Jack Reilly. This will be my junior year at High Point University. Throughout my time here I have been majoring in Strategic Communications and minoring in sales as well as social media marketing. One of my goals at HPU has been to get involved in as many ways as possible. Currently, I am a student justice, a brother in Sigma Nu, and an SGA senator for a small club. 

Looking ahead I'm not sure what I want to do after college. I have some possibilities such as continuing school or possibly obtaining my MBA. I am also very interested in sales and could potentially start working right after college. Sales interest me because it is all about motivating, and pushing myself, I am the only one in charge of my own success. After taking this class there could be a potential social media job that I may find interesting. Most companies nowadays are finding that promoting on social media is even more effective than running a simple tv add. The world is evolving and we need to be able to adapt. I am so happy to be taking a class as relevant as this. 

Social media has always interested me because of the relationship aspect. Instead of saying goodbye to high school friends our generation can all stay connected, constantly staying in touch with people. While I was younger, Snapchat and Instagram were my main interest but growing up I have now found myself spending more time on LinkedIn and networking apps trying to look for possible interviews. Technology is only going to get better and better, understanding its worth and power is very important in today's world.

For fun, I enjoy spending my time with friends. I also enjoy going golfing, skiing, and spending the summers at the beach on Cape Cod. I live in Boston when I am not at HPU and I am the oldest of 3 children! I also have a golden retriever named Stella who is the nicest dog you will ever meet. 

I am so excited to see what this semester will bring!

#HPU #Golf #Reilly #CapeCod #socialmedia #dogs #networking #socialmedia

Monday, May 4, 2020

FINAL blog post

Because of technology I am able to still complete online classes and go to school from anywhere in the world. I could watch a class lecture from the bathtub if I wanted to… Just kidding I would never do that. My point is the possibilities are endless. Although there are endless possibilities that means there's room for negative. For example someone can get scammed on technology whether it be through credit cards or false deals, or giving out personal information. Technology has made hackers and the deep dark web where no one has control over it. We don't normally hear about these things but they are very much a part of technology, and anyone of us could get hacked. I love how you talk about the fact that technology comes with the good, bad and the ugly. That is a perfect way to sum it all up. I believe most of the country has a connection and it seems like the older generation knows how to control their technology use to a healthy amount while the younger generation is addicted and unhealthy to technology. I believe this is because the older generation lived in a time when technology wasn't even invented yet, so they appreciate it more and understand how to live without it. I believe children are addicted because it's all they've ever known, also like you said everything is at our fingertips it gives these kids the instant gratification they are craving. 

I believe my relationship is unhealthy at the moment, I tend to spend a lot of time on Netflix watching movies now that we are stuck in quarantine. I would love to start reading more and taking a break from technology. During the school year I decided that I would delete all social media during the week and download it on the weekends. This helps me focus on what's more important in life like school work, and clubs and hanging out with friends. I recently read an interesting article that talks about the fact that they are seeing a trend of social media and technology usage being increased every year. This is due to technological advancements and because the younger generations are even using more technology in school. 

“About 63 percent of K–12 teachers use technology in the classroom daily. A new survey from the University of Phoenix College of Education found that daily classroom tech use is up from 55 percent in 2016.” This is incredible, that's more than half of the schools in the country and it just goes to show how great the technology can really be. 

Online Classes.. are they worth it?

Classes have all moved to an online format and many students have complained about the fact that they are getting more work than usual. Some teachers have brought lectures to an online format. While some teachers just post assignments for the student to submit. This has led to furious parents asking themselves if they are getting their money's worth for the school their children are receiving. Parents are forgetting that this time is not only hard on students but for the teachers too. This is a transitional period, so most classes had to be turned into the pass fail option. This gives students a break in a way because if they're not pleased with a grade in a particular class they can select it as a pass. 

Online classes can be tough because the communication between the student and the teacher can be confusing and hard to keep up with. Another reason it may be difficult is because some students don't have places to study and may have a lot more distractions and family obligations. There are also some positives to online classes, it can be good practice for the real world and strengthening organizational skills and communications skills. In the real world work still goes on and this is also great because it teaches people to adapt during tough times. Overall I believe the teachers have been super helpful and understanding but I  love learning in the classroom a lot more and being able to talk to the professors face to face.

Self Audit

This self audit has really given me time to reflect about my social media usage and my online footprint. Everything I google, everything I buy, everything I post ends up tracing right back to me. This is incredible to think that every human that uses the online web most likely has a huge online footprint but it's invisible if you don't look close enough. 

For my online digital footprint it must be very big because I am constantly using google, or going on youtube or writing emails. Something I also realized is the fact that I read a lot of books and whenever I buy a book on the kindle it keeps track of my library of books which traces back to me. 

The main social media platforms I use are instagram, snapchat, and linkedin. These three social media platforms all require for the user to enter in their phone number, email, and birthday. Taking a step back that is very personal, and the app stores that data forward. The main social media that catches my eye is Linkedin. While it is supposed to be used for finding jobs and networking. Random people could find out a lot about me because I am a public. This is the risk I am willing to take so that employers can view my page. 

Some of the information that is presented on my social media is what state I live in, where I go to school, what fraternity I am in, what some of my accomplishments are, and even what classes I am taking at school. 

While social media can be used in many ways I also believe there are many downsides that come with it. For instance social media can be fake in a way. People are only posting the best pictures of themselves. The point is people are faking that they are happy all the time, and it has almost turned into a competition, people only put content out that makes it look like their life is perfect with no flaws. If social media is overused it can definitely lead to depression, people can leave mean comments or nice comments that give you that instant gratification. 

EOTO p2- What is going on?

Our world has quickly shifted in a matter of a couple of months. Schools have closed, businesses have shut down, restaurants are taken out only, and humans are seen wearing masks everywhere. This is all due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has affected the whole world. This has been eye opening for me, the whole world in it together all being touched by this disease in one way or another. Our whole normal routines in life are being interrupted in the most crazy way. Something I have noticed is the fact that COVID-19 is the only thing being talked about on the news, everyone is stuck inside with nothing interesting going on. The media and how they deal with the virus is particularly interesting. 

It seems they focus on the bad rather than the good. There is always an updated death toll on the bottom right of the news screen which brings negativity and sadness to all households. While it is important that Americans understand that people are dying and that this disease is dangerous it doesnt need to be broadcasted all day everyday. We have tried a new idea in my family where we encourage each other not to think about COVID-19 or even talk about it. Because in reality it doesn't make the problem better and doesn't make it go away. The government knows the most about it and will release information when they believe it is right. Many people are freaking out because of the fact that most states are issuing a stay at home warning, and some people have even gotten ticketed for being out of the house during quarantine. There is only so long people can stay in quarantine before people start losing jobs and losing money. The stock market is a hot topic with the media and the fact that it gets worse and worse everyday. My worry is that we may not be able to return back to school in the fall because of this virus.

Social Media News Assignment #2

This week I researched all about Ios 14, many people love how easy it is to use and how it is very customizable. With more recent news regar...