Monday, May 4, 2020

Eight Values - becoming a better person

After reading through the eight values I ended up reading it all over again because it was such a tough decision. The one that registered with me the most was number four the individual self fulfillment. This is all about humans using freedom of speech to their advantage to become better people. It really is true, when humans have to hold something back or are limited they feel restricted and feel as if they are being treated unfairly. It is so important for everyone in the country to be able to express their viewpoints and arguments in a fair light. 

Self actualization is something overlooked in life. Most people think that all their problems will go away once they have money. Or they believe that working a job they hate is worth it for the money. These problems are wrong, little do they know that real happiness is found through self actualization. When I think of self actualization I immediately think of believing in one's meaning in life and finding happiness through a purpose of some sort. This is a part of all humans, some try to push it away and not face it but every human yearns to find their purpose. One may argue once you hit your self actualization moment it's when you have finally figured it all out, and when a great life begins, with much more clarity. Self actualization and freedom of speech have more in common than you think. They both intertwine with each other, part of reaching self actualization is through freedom of speech and saying what you believe is to be right.

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