Monday, March 9, 2020

6: Be quiet

In class today we talked all about how freedom of speech is limited in some cases. This statement immediately had me hooked from the beginning of class. If one attends a private university then freedom of speech is taken away and limited in a sense. For example a student is not allowed to swear at their professor, not only is it rude but it is hurtful and could be considered bullying. In other cases, freedom of speech ties in with voicing one's opinion. This is very important in college because this is the time in a student life where they start sticking up for what they believe in, and also begin to make their own decisions. Freedom of speech varies from high school to college. And it gets even tougher from public schools to private universities. At private universities the administration has the final say and the ultimate power. 

Nowadays I believe that most students are unaware of their rights and what they mean. But these amendments are things every United States Citizen should know. There is an article online I was reading about after class where a girl was suspended from her university for saying something inappropriate and out of line on her social media, and many critics were arguing whether or not the school had the right to suspend her just because of an instagram post.

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