Monday, March 9, 2020

3: To Believe or to not Believe

Many people fear that fake news can corrupt our society. After reading the article the author claims that fake news could have affected our presidents election. There is always a big argument whether or not this is true. Some people are smart enough to decipher what is true and what is false. There are also people on the internet that believe everything they read. This can run into many problems. First off if there are false facts being spread around, many people could end up voting for the wrong person. When confusion breaks out it can cause many difficulties. Many people believe that fake news originates on platforms like instagram and Facebook. This is very true in a sense. When people post to these different platforms they can post anything there heart desires. Anyone from a kid to an adult can come across these posts and read the information. It is almost too easy to come across fake news. Many people think there needs to be laws or agreements put in place to limit the amount of fake news is being uploaded to these platforms. If this fake news can be stopped then the nation as a whole will start in the right direction. 

Most people are being proactive and raising awareness so that there can be more control. Mark Zuckerberg from facebook's claims that they have software to eradicate fake news. But fake news tends to keep popping up all over the place. This is a huge problem he deals with and doesn't take this topic lightly. He has grown facebook into one of the most successful platforms. He prides himself in making sure that this company stays clear and on the right path. Fake news will always be around. But fact checking and checking other sources is something that we will have to become accustomed to. Most people can see fake news on these social media platforms. But no one ever realizes that fake and false information can pop up in day to day conversation.

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