Monday, March 9, 2020

4: Will we ever stop fighting?

All across the world, War is a very mixed topic. Some people believe that is necessary for the safety and security of our country while others are very against war at any cost. Overall I think that war is only necessary when the american people are being attacked. I believe soldiers have a much better idea of war, what it is like, and if it is ultimately necessary or not. I think more people need to take the military personals opinions into account more often because they are the ones on the front line working hard.

I was not a huge fan of these posts on anti war regardless of my political position. I just felt as if they were biased and lacking credibility in some aspects. It was very interesting to see this different viewpoint because in most cases we don't hear people protesting about war in such a strong voice, or providing alternative ways to deal with problems other than war. I was watching the news recently and have noticed that the US has slowly been taking troops out of Afghanistan and that hopefully soon there will be an end to the war. If there is no war this could be a huge safety benefit, also the United States would save a lot of money.

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