Monday, March 9, 2020

2: Guilty as Charged

After watching the videos I was very interested about the Supreme court position and did some research on my own. It is known that once a president is elected then they have the power to nominate someone of their choosing to add to the supreme court justice board only if there is an open spot. The tricky part is the fact that this has to ultimately be approved by the United States Senate to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Being a Supreme Court justice is a huge honor in this country and a very serious role that many would love to be a part of. If someone becomes a supreme court justice it is expected that they serve in this position for life. 

As of right now there are 9 supreme court justices: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Samuel Alito, Sonya Sotomayor and Neil Gorsuch. An interesting fact about these justices is the fact that before every meeting they all greet one another with a firm handshake to ensure that they all show respect, and stay close to one another. The supreme court justices spend their days reading through possible court cases they would like to take on when they aren't in the court house. This is a very tedious process for them that takes a lot of reading, time and energy.

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