Monday, March 9, 2020

EOTO Google has the answer

I would argue that Google is something we use every single day, whether it be for research, or directions, or even to check one's email. There are so many sections and categories within google that help to make it unique and special. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin out of their Stanford dorm room. They did this by piecing together a computer and maximizing out their credit cards they were able to develop Backrub. This program used a data collection system known as PageRank which backtracked links to determine the importance of a page. By 1998 the hype behind Back Rub had spread to the investors in Silicon Valley. At this time Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Page and Brin a check of 100,000 dollars. The pair then decided to change the name of their newly incorporated company and Google INC. was officially born. Here the pair set off with the mission to “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”. Google has seen major success in several different aspects of the internet, these include: Gmail-  is the most popular email server in the world, serving more than 1.5 billion active users. Google Chrome- has been installed more than 5 billion times. Youtube- has over 1 billion videos watched on it a day and is the second-largest search engine in the world (behind Google). Android- controls around 85% of the mobile operating system market and is the programming used on almost every phone not owned by Apple. Data- tracks more personal information than anyone else. Online advertising- Due to it being the most popular search engine it is the most desired spot for advertising as it makes millions  from companies to be on the top of their search results, as well as commission.

While there are many different search engines out there I personally use google and love its capabilities especially the fact that it is fast and easy to use. Google as a company is always something that has caught my eye and is set up like a college campus. If one works at Google there is access to free food 24/7, gyms, places to nap, and even washing machines! The whole goal of google is to get their employees to stay on their property and work as much as possible. If google keeps excelling they will be punching their tickets to one of the most successful and diverse companies the world has ever seen. Google has impacted each of our lives whether we realize it or not.

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