Monday, March 9, 2020

6: Be quiet

In class today we talked all about how freedom of speech is limited in some cases. This statement immediately had me hooked from the beginning of class. If one attends a private university then freedom of speech is taken away and limited in a sense. For example a student is not allowed to swear at their professor, not only is it rude but it is hurtful and could be considered bullying. In other cases, freedom of speech ties in with voicing one's opinion. This is very important in college because this is the time in a student life where they start sticking up for what they believe in, and also begin to make their own decisions. Freedom of speech varies from high school to college. And it gets even tougher from public schools to private universities. At private universities the administration has the final say and the ultimate power. 

Nowadays I believe that most students are unaware of their rights and what they mean. But these amendments are things every United States Citizen should know. There is an article online I was reading about after class where a girl was suspended from her university for saying something inappropriate and out of line on her social media, and many critics were arguing whether or not the school had the right to suspend her just because of an instagram post.

EOTO Google has the answer

I would argue that Google is something we use every single day, whether it be for research, or directions, or even to check one's email. There are so many sections and categories within google that help to make it unique and special. Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin out of their Stanford dorm room. They did this by piecing together a computer and maximizing out their credit cards they were able to develop Backrub. This program used a data collection system known as PageRank which backtracked links to determine the importance of a page. By 1998 the hype behind Back Rub had spread to the investors in Silicon Valley. At this time Andy Bechtolsheim wrote Page and Brin a check of 100,000 dollars. The pair then decided to change the name of their newly incorporated company and Google INC. was officially born. Here the pair set off with the mission to “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”. Google has seen major success in several different aspects of the internet, these include: Gmail-  is the most popular email server in the world, serving more than 1.5 billion active users. Google Chrome- has been installed more than 5 billion times. Youtube- has over 1 billion videos watched on it a day and is the second-largest search engine in the world (behind Google). Android- controls around 85% of the mobile operating system market and is the programming used on almost every phone not owned by Apple. Data- tracks more personal information than anyone else. Online advertising- Due to it being the most popular search engine it is the most desired spot for advertising as it makes millions  from companies to be on the top of their search results, as well as commission.

While there are many different search engines out there I personally use google and love its capabilities especially the fact that it is fast and easy to use. Google as a company is always something that has caught my eye and is set up like a college campus. If one works at Google there is access to free food 24/7, gyms, places to nap, and even washing machines! The whole goal of google is to get their employees to stay on their property and work as much as possible. If google keeps excelling they will be punching their tickets to one of the most successful and diverse companies the world has ever seen. Google has impacted each of our lives whether we realize it or not.

4: Will we ever stop fighting?

All across the world, War is a very mixed topic. Some people believe that is necessary for the safety and security of our country while others are very against war at any cost. Overall I think that war is only necessary when the american people are being attacked. I believe soldiers have a much better idea of war, what it is like, and if it is ultimately necessary or not. I think more people need to take the military personals opinions into account more often because they are the ones on the front line working hard.

I was not a huge fan of these posts on anti war regardless of my political position. I just felt as if they were biased and lacking credibility in some aspects. It was very interesting to see this different viewpoint because in most cases we don't hear people protesting about war in such a strong voice, or providing alternative ways to deal with problems other than war. I was watching the news recently and have noticed that the US has slowly been taking troops out of Afghanistan and that hopefully soon there will be an end to the war. If there is no war this could be a huge safety benefit, also the United States would save a lot of money.

3: To Believe or to not Believe

Many people fear that fake news can corrupt our society. After reading the article the author claims that fake news could have affected our presidents election. There is always a big argument whether or not this is true. Some people are smart enough to decipher what is true and what is false. There are also people on the internet that believe everything they read. This can run into many problems. First off if there are false facts being spread around, many people could end up voting for the wrong person. When confusion breaks out it can cause many difficulties. Many people believe that fake news originates on platforms like instagram and Facebook. This is very true in a sense. When people post to these different platforms they can post anything there heart desires. Anyone from a kid to an adult can come across these posts and read the information. It is almost too easy to come across fake news. Many people think there needs to be laws or agreements put in place to limit the amount of fake news is being uploaded to these platforms. If this fake news can be stopped then the nation as a whole will start in the right direction. 

Most people are being proactive and raising awareness so that there can be more control. Mark Zuckerberg from facebook's claims that they have software to eradicate fake news. But fake news tends to keep popping up all over the place. This is a huge problem he deals with and doesn't take this topic lightly. He has grown facebook into one of the most successful platforms. He prides himself in making sure that this company stays clear and on the right path. Fake news will always be around. But fact checking and checking other sources is something that we will have to become accustomed to. Most people can see fake news on these social media platforms. But no one ever realizes that fake and false information can pop up in day to day conversation.

2: Guilty as Charged

After watching the videos I was very interested about the Supreme court position and did some research on my own. It is known that once a president is elected then they have the power to nominate someone of their choosing to add to the supreme court justice board only if there is an open spot. The tricky part is the fact that this has to ultimately be approved by the United States Senate to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Being a Supreme Court justice is a huge honor in this country and a very serious role that many would love to be a part of. If someone becomes a supreme court justice it is expected that they serve in this position for life. 

As of right now there are 9 supreme court justices: Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony Kennedy, Chief Justice John Roberts, Clarence Thomas and Stephen Breyer, Elena Kagan, Samuel Alito, Sonya Sotomayor and Neil Gorsuch. An interesting fact about these justices is the fact that before every meeting they all greet one another with a firm handshake to ensure that they all show respect, and stay close to one another. The supreme court justices spend their days reading through possible court cases they would like to take on when they aren't in the court house. This is a very tedious process for them that takes a lot of reading, time and energy.

1: Tik Tok is taking over

The App Tik Tok started out in 2016 under the name of which wasn't very popular. But slowly over the years has become very popular with the younger generation. This app has reached 1.5 billion users and is growing more and more with every day. There is endless content the users can produce and watch. This app is also free to everyone. If the producer gets enough views on their videos or “skits” they can even expect to make some money directly from Tik Tok. 

The app works similar to instagram where people log into their accounts and create profiles. Each profile has a bio and a place for their content. In regards to activity these Tik Tok users can like and comment and even send the videos to other users across the platform. The communication aspect of this app is incredible and the opportunities are endless. A user has the ability to reach mark cuban a successful entrepreneur or even other celebrities if the algorithm of Tik Tok presents their video on that person's page. 

Many companies are turning to Tik Tok to advertise their products or campaigns because they know how effective this form of communication is. These companies are reaching the younger generation just by the click of a button or snap of a video. Brands can also do paid advertisements on the app if they want more attention.

About Me

Hi My name is Jack, I am currently a Sophomore at High Point University studying Strategic Communications with a minor in marketing. I am a part of a fraternity and involved in several clubs on campus. Something unique about me is the fact that I am Student Justice on campus, which is a role that deals with student courts on campus. This role I have ties into this Media Law Literacy class in regards to the amendments and rules. Throughout the course of the semester I am looking forward to what this class has to offer.

Social Media News Assignment #2

This week I researched all about Ios 14, many people love how easy it is to use and how it is very customizable. With more recent news regar...